Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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~ Francis' catchphrase.
That's what happens to anyone that opposes the great Francis!!
~ Francis after killing Desti.

Francis is a major antagonist in the Australian adult-animated comedy web franchise SMG4 and one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Shadow Meggy) of its spin-off, Sunset Paradise.

He is the psychopathic leader of the Anime Cartel, kidnapping Axol and the inklings so he could create his own Waifu Island with the Ink Weaver. He is also Meggy Spletzer and Axol's arch-nemesis.

His voice is primarily provided by Filthy Frank, despite having some other sources.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He threatened to break Mario's kneecaps if he didn't pay him back for the anime he destroyed, even though it wasn't actually his fault.
  • He kidnapped Axol and stole his Ink Weaver to use it for his own wicked intentions.
  • He was responsible for the mass kidnapping of half of Inkopolis’ Inklings and had them placed into Ink Zuccers, which painfully extracts their ink in order to power the Ink Weaver, which would have resulted the deaths of numerous Inklings.
  • He sadistically tortured Meggy for her ink and tries to take it all out by using the Zuccer 2000. While Francis never did succeed in his main goals, Meggy still loses her ink when trying to help the protagonists, leading to her becoming a human for the rest of the series.
  • During the battle between his anime replicas and the protagonists, dozens of soldiers were killed by his replicas, making him indirectly responsible for their deaths. He was also indirectly responsible for Chris getting shot.
  • He had an Anime Replica of Sephiroth stab Desti in the chest and took sadistic glee in it, killing her and breaking Meggy's spirit, which is considered by most fans to be one of, if not the darkest moments of the SMG4 series (at least prior to the Genesis Arc).
    • Although he didn't directly kill Desti, he was still responsible for her death because the Anime Replica of Sephiroth that killed her was following his orders.
    • He even tried to justify it by saying that she was a jerk/bully and that no one cared about her shortly after doing so. Though he was right that Desti may be a jerk to SMG4 and his gang in the past, she really didn't deserve to die, and her death is played for sympathy.
  • Although he did offer Saiko to join him, it was likely out of pragmatic and lustful reasons and not out of any form of care.
  • He nearly killed the protagonists with his Super Saiyan God replica and only failed because of Axol.
  • Even after everything he did, he somehow thought that attempting to beg for undeserved mercy from the SMG4 Crew by downplaying his crimes and saying that all he did was kill one Octoling would get him out of his situation.
  • Although his death of being tortured before his island exploded was cruel, it isn't played for sympathy and if anything, it's satisfying and well-deserved, as he did the same to other inklings and even killed Desti.
  • He was the indirect cause of Shadow Meggy’s creation due to causing nearly all of Meggy’s negative emotions.
  • He is considered to be one of the most hated and darkest villains in the SMG4 series and compared to most villains, he had no redeeming qualities and while not entirely, is taken somewhat more seriously than most of the villains, and some of his actions continued to haunt the series even after his death.
    • While he had some redeeming qualities and was played entirely for laughs during the first part of the Anime Arc, he completely subverted them and was taken much more seriously during the second part.
    • In Mario Plays: Smash Or Pass, when Mario saw a picture of Francis, he immediately passed it, shoots it with a rifle, blasts it to smithereens, and high-fived Meggy afterwards, showing that Francis left a huge impact on the heroes and will never be forgiven for his crimes.
    • In SMG4 and SMG3 Rank SMG4 Characters, He, Waluigi, and One-Shot Wren harasses Meggy when SMG3 talks about her plot armor, representing all the traumas she had throughout the series.
  • Although there are villains in the series who are worse than him, like the outright omnicidal Niles or Ztar, they had more resources, Niles being a borderline god and Ztar having reality warping abilities, while Francis can't do any of that but still nearly managed to commit genocide on the Inklings for their ink. His personal villainy towards Meggy also allowed him to stand out.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • While Francis is taken more seriously in the second part of The Anime Arc and is generally more serious compared to the majority of the villains in the series, he still had numerous comedic moments detract from his heinousness such as him being a nerd stereotype whose goal is to create an Anime Island with waifus (which is not only completely ridiculous and comedic, but also not horrific or vile in itself), him talking about the Ink Zuccer like a commercial narrator, him crying and hugging Jeeves when Meggy insulted/criticized them, the scenes where he got beaten up by the SMG4 crew in SMG4: Final Hours, his catchphrase being a literal Filthy Frank soundbite, and his last words being ripped from a Minecraft meme.


  • He's the only SMG4 Near Pure Evil to be comedic and not have actual redeeming qualities.
    • He's the only SMG4 Near Pure Evil to be a Hate Sink.
  • He is the only incarnation of Francis to be Near Pure Evil, as his canon counterpart (from Super Paper Mario) wasn't heinous at all and was used as a full-on comic relief.
  • Cementing his status as Near Pure Evil, the creators of SMG4 and Glitch Productions, Luke and Kevin Lerdwichigaul, have regarded him with disgust for his actions.
    • Additionally, his status partially stems from the fact that the brothers disliked him to such an extent in Super Paper Mario.
  • Originally, Axol was going to be the main antagonist of the anime arc instead of Francis. If this draft was used, Francis likely wouldn't have qualified as Near Pure Evil.

External Links[]


           SMG4 Logo Near Pure Evils

Arc Villains
Francis | Niles

One Shot Wren


See Also
Mario Near Pure Evils

           Super Mario Logo Near Pure Evils

Bowyer | Cackletta | Elder Princess Shroob | Antasma | Kanya
Shadow Queen (Japanese) | Scissors
Related Games
King K. Rool | Wizpig | Terrormisu

1993 Live-Action
President Koopa
2023 Animated

TV Series
Donkey Kong Country
Polly Roger

Fan Works
Juno Songs: Antasma | Dreamy Bowser | Elder Princess Shroob
Bowser's Koopalings: Bowser Jr. (It's A Not So Wonderful Life | The Murder Mystery) | King Johann Von Speckbohne XVIII | Lord Fawful Freibrecher
Power Star: Devil Mario
Mario & Luigi: Darkest Timeline: Emperor Bowser
Abducted Toad: King Purplius
Virtual Files: Mr. Virtual
(Mario) The Music Box: Riba
Mario Lyrical Madness : Luigi

Super Mario Bros. Z: Axem Red
LuigiFan00001: Dust Man
Five Nights at Wario's: Emma | Entity 01
SMG4: Francis | Niles | One Shot Wren
Bad Things Will Happen: Gengar
NostalgiaSquare: Erythros | Death Row Dave
Adventures Of The Koopalings Zombie Apocalypse: Waluigi
OnyxKing: Zelus

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Evils | Fire Emblem Near Pure Evils | Pokemon Near Pure Evils | The Legend of Zelda Near Pure Evils

           Glitch 2023 Logo Near Pure Evils

Niles | Francis | One Shot Wren

Meta Runner
Derek Lucks

Murder Drones
J | Alice

Murder Drones


           SplatoonLogo Near Pure Evils

Commander Tartar

Commander Tartar (14-CRUSH) | Eddie Moss | Francis | Magentark Clover | Mr. Grizz (Juno Songs) | Mr. Grizz (Splatoon Webseries) | Niles | One Shot Wren | Sub Lieutenant Blakeson | Zelus

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Evils | Mario Near Pure Evils | Pokemon Near Pure Evils | Super Smash Bros. Near Pure Evils
