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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Emperor Joker is the main antagonist of the 2000 Superman storyline of the same name. In the story, the Joker tricks Mister Mxyzptlk into granting him Nigh-Omnipotence which the Joker uses to commit his crimes.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He tricked Mister Mxyzptlk into giving 99.99% of his power to him which making the Joker nigh omnipotent.
  • He reshaped the whole world in his image with his powers, a twisted caricature where everyone was stuck in a loop.
  • He tortured Batman multiple times to death, reviving him each time to repeat the process out of only sadism and the thrills.
  • He had Jimmy Olson beaten to death.
  • He killed Lex Luthor over and over again for fun.
  • He ate the whole population of China and jokes that it's a real Chinese food made from real Chinese.
  • He tried to destroy the whole universe out of belief that no universe that had created a monster like him should exist.
  • While he changed his mind about destroying the universe and gave up his powers, he only does this when Superman pointed out he couldn't live without Batman, thus it's not real redemption.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He loved Harley Quinn and expressed his affection by turning her into a constellation and saying, "I've always wanted to see my dame in the lights."
  • He had self-loathing which was treated sympathetically by the story as he viewed himself as a monster and believed that no universe having created a monster like him should exist.

External Links[]


           SupermanLogo Near Pure Evils

Versions of Lex Luthor
Arrowverse | Justice Lords | Superman Returns

Great Darkness | Adolf Hitler | Emperor Joker

TV Series
Superman: The Animated Series: Unity
Smallville: Gabriel Duncan

Superman Returns: Lex Luthor
Man of Steel: Dru-Zod

Video Games
Superman (Injustice) | Joker (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe) | Lex Luthor (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe)

           TheBatman Near Pure Evils

The Clown | Ratcatcher | Emperor Joker

Other Earths
Joker (Earth -22)

Theatrical Movies
Batman Returns: Penguin
Batman Forever: Two-Face
Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Dr. Jason Woodrue
The Dark Knight Rises: Bane | Talia al Ghul
The Batman: Carmine Falcone

Direct-to-video Movies
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Victor Zsasz

Batman: The Animated Series: Scarecrow | Sewer King | Professor Milo | Thoth Khepera | Arkady Duvall
The New Batman Adventures: Scarecrow | Firefly | Farmer Brown
Batman Beyond: Derek Powers | Zander
The Batman: Mr. Freeze | Black Mask
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Equinox
Young Justice: Joker
Beware the Batman: Ra's al Ghul

The Dark Knight: Joker

Video Games
Batman: Dark Tomorrow: Ra's al Ghul
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Joker | Lex Luthor
Arkhamverse: Killer Croc | Victor Zsasz | Ra's al Ghul | Mad Hatter
Batman (arcade): Mr. Freeze | Joker
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham: Brainiac
Batman: The Telltale Series: Lady Arkham | Penguin | Thomas Wayne | Two-Face | Hamilton Hill | Riddler | Harley Quinn

See Also
Gotham Near Pure Evils
