Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Maybe you'll find me a little more... cooperative?
~ Dylan, after telling Nick to "take some of his suggestions"

Dylan Fuentes is a minor antagonist in the 2013 action-adventure video game Dead Rising 3, the third installment of the Dead Rising franchise.

He is a sadomasochistic pervert that took advantage of the outbreak by kidnapping at least two survivors named Eric and Julia along with 2 zombies so that he could rape and torture them for his own pleasure.

He was voiced by Joe Hernandez-Kolski.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Although he had a tragic past of him implying to grow up without a father figure in his life and having considerable life faliures in school, home, and work. That is no excuse for his depraved actions.
  • While he implies to have own insecurities, such as issues of not having father or wanting his sexual acts to pleasure other people, this is barely noted in game with no sympathy.
  • He took advantage of the outbreak to kidnap two survivors named Julia and Eric so that he could rape and torture them for his own pleasure.
  • He is strongly implied to be a necrophile, as he also has two zombies inside cages in his BDSM sex dungeon and since Dylan likes to rape everything and everyone he sees, it's not hard to believe at all, though they could likely be infected humans that were Dylan's prior captives.
  • He locks Nick in his sex dungeon with him, and refuses to let him go until Nick does pole dancing for him, and allows Nick to have sex with him telling him "he can be a little more... cooperative"
  • During his fight, he will torture and attempt to kill his hostages with his flamethrower, killing them if Nick doesn't defeat him fast enough.
  • Despite his rapes happening off screen, we see him torturing his hostages on screen and he makes several sexual attempts on Nick during his screentime, and his hostages are clearly scared of him at the same time, meaning his worst acts don't rely on off screen villainy.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil[]

  • He fails the Heinous Standards of Dead Rising to Jo Slade who has more rape and torture victims then him along with a higher kill count, although necrophilia, torture, and rape are fairly unique crimes for Dead Rising, so he doesn't fail the standard completely.

External Links[]


           Dead Rising LogoNear Pure Evils

Dead Rising
Brock Mason | Sean Keanan

Dead Rising 2
Raymond Sullivan

Dead Rising 2: Case West
Harjit Singh

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Brandon Whittaker | Stacey Forsythe

Dead Rising 3
Hunter Thibodeaux | Sgt. Hilde Schmittendorf | Dylan Fuentes | Spider
