Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki
Near Pure Evil Wiki

I'm not sure of the details...They say the good guys lost their champion somehow. But in the end, the fat man sang. This planet was toasted and abandoned.
~ Tailon recounting Dr. Robotnik's desolation of Mobius to Sonik.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik is the overarching antagonist of the "Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy" story in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics. He is an alternate version of Dr. Robotnik, who managed to banish his arch-enemy Sonic into outer space and laid waste to Mobius once he was gone. Unfortunately for him, his mechanical world eventually imploded, taking its creator with it.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Due to his reality diverging from the Prime Zone in year 3235, he most likely had committed the majority of his Prime counterpart's crimes, including the experiments on Overlanders, his coup against King Acorn and mass roboticization of Mobians.
  • He tricked Sonic into going inside a rocketship, making him believe Sally was trapped inside, and launched him into far reaches of space.
  • With Sonic gone, he unleashed his machines on Mobius, and they wiped out most of organic life on the planet. The few survivors were forced to either leave the planet or adapt to new inhospitable conditions.
  • Even a thousand years after his death, his villainous legacy haunted the universe in form of his descendant Robolactus, who fed on planets with sapient life.
  • While he comes from a parody of Guardians of the Galaxy comics, none of his crimes are played for laughs, and the narrative treats him seriously.
  • Due to coming from an alternate universe and never crossing into the Prime Zone, he doesn't have to compete with its villains to meet the Heinous Standards. While there are more destructive villains than him in his home universe, they all have bigger resources.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Due to having only a handful of on-panel appearances and no lines of dialogue, he isn't characterized sufficiently enough to be Pure Evil, although he does exhibit some personal traits, such as pride and sadism.

External Links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Near Pure Evils

Dr. Eggman | Eggman Nega | Zavok
Sonic Boom
Lyric the Last Ancient | Shadow the Hedgehog

TV Shows
Sonic SatAM: Snively
Sonic Underground: Sleet
Sonic Boom: Hypnobot | Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Prime: Dr. Eggman

Professor Gerald Robotnik | Unnamed Echidna Warrior

Comic Books
Archie Comics: Dr. Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) | Dr. Robotnik (Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy) | Dr. Finitevus | Dark Enerjak | King Shadow | Dr. Wily | Sleet
Sonic the Comic: Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Windy Wallis
IDW Comics: Dr. Eggman | Dr. Starline | Zavok

Super Mario Bros. Z: Axem Red
Super Thursday Afternoon Funkin': Chansilla
Five Nights at Sonic's: Dr. Eggman
Chariii5: Infinite
Sonic Legacy: Dr. Eggman
Sonic Reversal: Shadow the Hedgehog

Sonic.exe related:
Sonic.exe: Spirits of Hell: Exeller
Fatalverse: Fatal Error
Juno Songs: Furnace
Sonic 2011/Soulless Sonic: Sonic.exe
Virtual Files: Mr. Virtual
MaimyMayo: Xenophanes
Needlem0use: Atem
