Dr. Robert Scorpio is a minor antagonist of the cartoon series Mighty Max, being the main antagonist of the episode "Scorpio Rising". He is a nuclear scientist who hid in a bunker for 40 years thinking the world was gonna end, eventually bring mutated by the radiation caused by a nuclear test site. He is base on the character named Scorpion from the original Mighty Max toyline.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Digs tunnels underneath the state of Nevada and planted nuclear bombs, turning the state into one massive thermal nuclear bomb. Planning to detonate them and radiate the entire planet so he could go back to the surface.
- Made explicitly clear that his plan would kill all everyone on the planet, with Scorpio being aware of it but doesn't care of the billions he'll end up killing. It's implied he's quite misanthropic after being trapped in his bunker for 40 years.
- Caused the death of a man in the opening of the episode while digging tunnels underground.
- Has his scorpions attack an air force jet thinking it belong to the Russians.
- Suspected Max to be a Russian spy, so he try to kill him by bringing out a shotgun with the full intent on murdering him, showing he's not above murdering children.
- Try to gather the crystals he planted on Las Vegas and across Nevada. Shooting down an active helicopter, which most likely killed the person inside it.
- Kidnapped Virgil and Max, planning to kill them so he could continue his plans to set up the nukes in Nevada and radiate the world.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- He is legitimately crazy due to nuclear radiation driving him insane and living in a bunker by himself alone for years, he also grew paranoid thinking Russians invaded the US thanks to the radiation affecting his mind.
- Is affable to Max, being unfailingly polite to him, even offering him pie. He does show sincere respects to him as he admire his spirit near the end of his episode. However, it's minor because due to his insanity, he lashes out on Max out of paranoia he's a Russian spy and later try to kill him on several occasions.
- He, Lao Chu Shenwan, and Nadja are, so far, the only Mighty Max villain to be Near Pure Evil.