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Anna Ripley is a major antagonist in the adult animated series The Legend of Vox Machina and the titular main protagonist of its prequel graphic novel The Legend of Vox Machina: The Whitestone Chronicles: Ripley.
She is a former ally of the Briarwoods, who aided them in taking over Whitestone and later worked for them in finding and rebuilding the Ziggurat beneath the de Rolos' castle until they betrayed her. She is the archenemy of Percival de Rolo and Vex'ahlia, as well as the second known partner of Orthax.
She was voiced by Kelly Hu, and as a child, she was voiced by Kimiko Glenn.
Her Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Pure Evil?[]
In General[]
- In spite of her good intentions in genuinely wanting to bring equality to the world through selling the pepperboxes, as she believes doing so would allow normal people to stand up against magic users who oppressed them, it's shown that this is motivated partially by a desire to remake the world in her image, and constantly brings up her goals to make herself look like she has a moral high ground. For example, she calls Percy selfish for refusing to work in her plan that would doom thousands. It's also pointed out that her actions would only lead to the world becoming worse than it already is rather than helping better it.
- While she is shown to have have admiration and respect for Percy, with her internal thoughts in her prequel comic showing that she relates to him due to both of them being ignored by others in spite of their intelect and potential, as time went on, Ripley began to lose all respect for Percy, blaming his potential death as a failed experiment of hers, even shooting Cassandra in front of him for "failing [his] purpose" when she outright admits she could have been merciful. When meeting him again, she stole his pepperbox and bragged to herself how she made it better than he ever could, before having him sent to a prison in which he spent for years. In the show itself, after killing Percy, Ripley would mock his death to Vex and call him weak for refusing to kill thousands and that he didn't care about his people, ignoring that fact that they were endangered by Ripley herself.
- Even with the extremely high heinous standards of the series, Ripley easily passes it with her high amount of personal villainy and body count, and especially her attempt to sell pepperboxes worldwide that would have killed thousands if not more.
- Ripley has a massive ego, and due to her intellect, makes her think she is better than almost everyone else. This is especially shown with Vox Machina, whom, outside of Percy, she refers as lesser minds.
- She experimented on and tortured mages out of xenophobia towards them, justifying it being for the greater good, even though when asked by the mage she was experimenting on why she did so since he had done nothing wrong, Ripley says that him being a mage is already a crime.
- Due to her actions, Ripley became a wanted criminal to the Dwendalian Empire, refusing to accept arrest because she "wouldn't allow [mages] to win".
- She took part in the massacre on the de Rolo family, which included children, allowing the Briarwoods to take over Whitestone.
- For information on the Ziggurat, Ripley tortured Percy and Cassandra for weeks, despite the former insisting that he didn't know about it.
- She hunted down Percy and Cassandra after they escaped, shooting the latter with an arrow in front of Percy, while outright saying that she could have put them out of their misery, but didn't due to Percy having outlived his purpose, showing Ripley's sadism.
- Going to the Jorenn Village to get supplies for to reactivate the Ziggurat, Ripley killed one of Faril's workers to force him into giving her what she wanted to protect the rest of his people.
- When confronted by Percy, Ripley had him imprisoned, while also mocking him for his pepperbox being incomplete. Percy would end up staying in the prison for years until Vox Machina came and rescued him.
Season 1[]
- She left Vox Machina when they were going to deal with the Briarwoods, uncaring about them possibly dying by the hands of the two.
Season 2[]
- She made a deal with Umbrasyl by offering to help him in finding the Vestiges of Divergence, powerful weapons that would make the dragon stronger, in exchange for gold to use for her research. This leads to Umbrasyl finding Vox Machina and nearly killing them.
- She aids Umbrasyl in coercing the Herd of Storms into continuing to pillage Westruun by threatening them with death, not caring about the many citizens that would be robbed and killed by the group of half-giants. She also shows no empathy over Umbrasyl melting one of the members of the Herd of Storms using his acid to give a threat to their leader, Kevdak.
- She encouraged Umbrasyl to betray Thordak, eventually leading him to do so and put his need for power over loyalty to his supposed king.
Season 3[]
- She made a deal with Orthax in order to build as many pepperboxes as possible to sell it to the world, despite knowing that countless people would end up being killed and getting their souls consumed by Orthax.
- Getting into a palace in Ank'Harel to obtain a Vestige called Plate of the Dawnmartyr, Ripley murdered her way to obtaining it, even killing its owner, Mistress Asharru, a close friend of the ruler of Ank'Harel, J'mon San Ord. She also stole another Vestige from Asharru, that being Cabal's Ruin, a cloak that absorved magic.
- She kidnapped and tried to force Percy into helping her in her goal to produce pepperboxes, although he managed to escape and damage the machine she had made to produce them with.
- She revealed to Thordak where Whitestone was to make Percy accept working with her, causing the dragon to send his newly hatched spawn to attack the city, which put Whitestone in utter devastation and is said by Allura to have killed over five hundred people and injured over eight hundred more.
- After Vox Machina fell into her trap, she had Percy captured, while leaving the rest of the group to slowly die from residuum gas that would kill them slowly all the while they saw their worst nightmares, with Ripley justifying this by saying that Vox Machina's deaths would stregthen Percy's partnership with her.
- Even as he offered to give her a chance to change and choose to help others through her actions and ingenuity, Ripley still killed Percy, trapping him in her pepperbox where he was tortured by Orthax.
- She began to sell her weapons to pirates and criminals, being apathetic about how they used them.
- She mocked Percy to Vex when she and Vax confronted Ripley, saying that he was weak, petty and selfish, something which angers Vex and leads her to point out that this isn't true.
- After her ship starting to sink due to an explosion she caused, she tried to make her henchmen get as many pepperboxes with their boats as possible, and when one noted that they couldn't since the cargo was too much weight, Ripley killed him and said that there was now enough to put in more.
- Even in her last moments, Ripley shows no remorse for her actions and justifies that her actions would have helped the world, leading Vex to point out that her actions, namely killing Percy, made the world worse than it already was.
What Prevents Her From Pure Evil?[]
- She has a tragic past that is shown to affect her in the present. She was an ingenious young girl who used to help her family through her intelligence, up until the Cerberus Assembly came to her village to obtain the minerals they were mining, where they killed many of the people there, including her father who died in front of her. It's also shown briefly in her prequel comic that her inventions and ideas were rejected by other scientists and she was mocked by them. The former event is what motivates her into wanting to help normal people be more powerful so they can stand up to mages and avoid acts of inequality like the one she was put through in her youth.
- She is a well-intentioned extremist who wants to bring equality to the world through her actions. However, this a minor prevention, as it's repeatedly shown that her actions would have caused more harm and ruin to the world than help it. She's also self-deluded and acts that due to her willingness to do things for the supposed greater good, she is less selfish than others who are against using such methods, even refusing Percy's offer to do so. It's also shown in her prequel comic that even her goals are motivated by hatred towards mages and a desire to remake the world as she sees fit.
- She greatly cares for her father, assisting him with repairing his mining cart and being in tears when she saw him die. His death also still affects her in the present and partially motivates her.
External Links[]
- Dr. Anna Ripley on the Villains Wiki.
- Dr. Anna Ripley on the Critical Role Wiki.
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