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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Don Armage is the ruler of the Space Shogunate Jark Matter and the main antagonist of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. He is an enigmatic being who by conquering the 88 Constellation System became ruler of the universe. His ultimate goal is to destroy and recreate the universe, using a cosmic energy source known as Planetium to achieve it.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He sets up the Heinous Standards of Kyuranger and does not fail it to Super Sentai as a whole. He succeeded in conquering Earth and ruled it longer than the Baranoia did near the end of Ohranger. Armage on the other hand, ruled it longer on top of ruling the whole universe. Not to mention Kyuranger is an alternate universe, as confirmed in Episode 18, therefore, having no other contenders to Big Bad in his own universe, which makes him stand out more.
  • Even though his first attempt 300 years ago failed, he killed 85 out of the 88 warriors that opposed him, which is a high body count that would only be exceeded further down the road. He also fatally injured Quervo.
  • He tempts the dying Quervo to become his vessel in exchange for power and fame. Quervo gladly accepted it without hesitation, but if he didn't, it's likely he wouldn't last long.
    • Also there's no indication he genuinely cares for Quervo and his sharing of Quervo in committing heinous acts is strictly pragmatism. When Quervo is killed off for real, he doesn't care and simply decides to find another vessel, making him expendable.
  • He is a horrible boss to his subordinates, having assaulted those that fail him with a shockwave while through his hologram. Anyone he does treat well is only for when they do well or are valuable assets.
  • He convinced Scorpio to betray his brother Stinger and planet to him, then alters his appearance to a monster form as thanks. Nevertheless, he doesn't truly care for him either, and this shows when he kills him for defecting. True, he was aiming for Stinger and Scorpio scarified his life to save him from the attack, but Don Armage simply brushed it off and moved on with other plans.
  • To make sure he doesn't get killed off for real, Armage creates clones of himself to manipulate people, including the Rebellion
  • Also under his rule, the rulers of the planets under Jark Matter control commit petty acts to keep them in line. Some of those methods are somewhat laughable (Most notably one Daikaan bans and steals birthdays and another one imprisons people for having luxuries), all of these mean and cruel acts are treated as nasty and as hope crushing as Armage wants them to be.
  • People have been killed under his rule as well. This includes Big Bear and Doctor Anton's good half.
  • He supported Thunderbird's manipulation of Mika Retsu, as he promotes Thunderbird to Karo for this act.
  • He had another clone possess famous pop star Hoshi Minato
  • He put Lucky's father Aslan under mind control and had him fight the king's own son.
  • He intends to create a bomb to destroying the universe and recreating it from scratch. Then he made sure that if he failed, he would make the Earth a bomb by harvesting it's Planetium into Dark Planetium, which is why Earth had more Daikaans than any other planet in the universe.
  • Losing Quervo as his vessel, he possesses Tsurugi so he can have his immortality and his ability to absorb Planetium himself. This time the possession wasn't willingly and Tsurugi was unable to resist control. Moments after, he absorbs Shou Ronpo when he sacrifices himself to save the remaining Kyurangers.
  • He absorbs the remaining Kyurangers (bar Lucky) to grow stronger and continue his plan, unaware that Lucky planned for this in order to free Tsurugi from his control.
  • He gets a new body anyways, and he then decides to absorb everyone in the universe to gain his final form. He didn't even spare his own forces from this fate, and cementing his lack of care for anyone that isn't himself.
  • He tried to possess Lucky next, though that didn't work.
  • While he claims his motivation for destroying the universe is to relieve it of it's suffering and create a universe without it, that doesn't make him an extremist, and in fact is hypocritical as he willingly caused and brought more suffering to the universe than there already was under his rule. The Kyurangers don't believe his claims and see it as an excuse for power, since the new universe would be under his control. He ultimately drops this facade after absorbing the whole universe when he tells them he will fill the universe with despair and sorrow just to become eternally powerful.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He is made of the combined negative emotions of the universe including hatred, despair and sadness, meaning he can only be evil by nature as the embodiment of negative emotions. But despite being Made of Evil, it's not too disqualifying to qualify as Near Pure Evil due to his clear motivations, manipulative and cruel personality, and impact on the story as a whole, though this prevention contrasts with Quervo, who is a living being who is in full control of his actions, even when he and Armage commit crimes together.


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Television Series
Showa Series
Dr. Kumazawa | Thief Knight Kiros

Heisei Series
Torarugin | Emperor Tranza | Lieutenant Colonel Shadam | Bakeneko | Gashadokuro | Reversian Blitz Hells | Reversian Succubus Hells | Sukekonoian Mashu | Quester Gai | Quester Rei | Great King Mons Drake | Emperor Ackdos Gill | Zatsurig | Chozetsushin Deboth | Resentful Knight Endolf | Gengetsu Kibaoni | Kubar | Don Armage | Dogranio Yaboon

Hyde Gene | Pollution President Batcheed
