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Near Pure Evil Wiki

I want to be strong. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful.
~ Cinder Fall stating her desires.
You know, Neo, someone once asked me if I believed in destiny. And I'm happy to say I still do.
~ Cinder musing about killing Pyrrha Nikos.

Cinder Fall is the secondary antagonist of the RWBY franchise. She is the arch-nemesis of Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc.

She was the leader of a now-disbanded group of anarchists seeking to cause chaos in the world of Remnant. Her associates have included her former subordinates Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, the criminal mastermind Roman Torchwick and his partner-in-crime Neopolitan, and Adam Taurus, the leader of the Vale sect of the White Fang. She became the Fall Maiden at the end of Volume 3.

At the end of Volume 3, it is revealed that she is a member of an enigmatic organization with malicious goals led by their immortal figurehead Salem.

She is voiced by Jessica Nigri in English and by Yūko Kaida in the Japanese dub.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • As Salem's right-hand and main enforcer within her inner circle, Cinder is ultimately responsible for the atrocities committed in the series, with some of her actions being personal towards the heroes.
  • Apart from Salem's actions, Cinder's actions has a devastating impact on the heroes, especially towards Team RWBY and Team JNPR (specifically Ruby and Jaune), since she is directly and indirectly responsible for their trauma.
  • She displays no care towards her subordinates (not even towards Emerald, despite being incredibly loyal to her), as she views them as valuable tools, often berates them for the smallest and sometimes pettiest of reasons, and she has no hesitation in betraying them should they outlive their usefulness to her.
  • While she may serve Salem and often shows respect towards her, she isn't gravely loyal to her as she often disagrees with her master (even one time scolding her) and sometimes tends to go behind her back. While she doesn't show any sign of treachery, this is most likely because she knows better to not mess with her master.


  • She originally planned to kill her abusive family before she was stopped by Rhodes, who offered to train her to become a Huntress.
  • After enduring so much abuse from her family, she snapped and decided to kill them all, murdering her step-sisters and slowly strangling the Madame to death (though they arguably deserved their fate given their abusive nature).
  • She killed Rhodes after the huntsman tries to arrest her for murdering her adoptive family.
  • She eagerly joined Salem after being promised to gain more power.
  • She created a cause of her own in order to further assist Salem in her goals.
    • She recruited Emerald by promising her that she'll never starve or steal again for the rest of her life, manipulating the young thief to become loyal to her.
    • She attempted to recruit a highly skilled assassin named Marcus Black, but after discovering he was killed by his son Mercury, she decided to recruit him instead.
    • She later recruited the criminal Roman Torchwick to her cause, using him to rob Dust for her nefarious plans.
    • For her last recruit, she attempted to recruit Adam Taurus and his White Fang sect in Vale, but he refused. After gaining half of the Fall Maiden's power, she slaughtered everyone in his camp except for Adam and his lieutenant, and forces the former to join the faction with threats of violence, as well as offering Dust with a large amount of money to fund the Vale White Fang sect.
  • She, alongside Emerald and Mercury, attacked the Fall Maiden Amber to gain her power. After defeating her, Cinder began to absorb Amber, nearly killing her before she was saved by Qrow Branwen, who interrupted Cinder's absorption, gaining merely half of her power. Despite being rescued, Amber was placed in a comatose as a result of Cinder's attack.

The Beacon Volumes (1-3)[]

  • She is indirectly responsible for the crimes committed by Roman and the White Fang throughout Volume 1 and 2, including Roman's attempt to use bombs on train cars, all part of her plan to weaken the defenses of Vale.
  • She sneak into the Cross Continental Transmit Tower, overcoming the guards there to install a virus to infect any devices connected to the Beacon Network.
  • She tried to eliminate Ruby in the transmit tower, but later escaped when General Ironwood arrived.
  • During the Vytal Festival Tournament, she rigged the tournament by uploading a virus into Ironwood's network, having Mercury and Emerald battle against Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi, leading to Mercury and Emerald defeating them, while Cinder watches with amusement.
  • She is indirectly responsible for framing Yang as Mercury faked his leg injury, leading to Team RWBY being disqualified from the tournament.
  • She uses Emerald to trick Pyrrha Nikos into accidentally killing Penny Polendina in a live broadcast that the entire world can see, with Pyrrha being gravely horrified at at what she done, while Ruby was devastated at the death of Penny.
  • She hijacks the tournament broadcast to spread slander towards the government across Remnant about how they are keeping citizens in the dark on what is going on the world, and using Penny's death, so she could slander Ozpin and Ironwood to sow distrust and fear, leading to the Grimm invading Vale as a result.
    • This also resulted in the Downfall of Beacon Academy, with the school being destroyed as a result.
    • This also led to Adam and the White Fang sect joining the invasion as well, killing many huntsmen and innocent people. This also led to Adam attacking and tormenting Blake, and cutting off Yang's arm when she tries to help Blake, resulting both of their trauma.
    • She watches with sadistic amusement on how much havoc and chaos is being caused in Vale.
  • She murdered the comatose Amber with an arrow and takes all of her power, becoming the new Fall Maiden as a result.
  • She battled against Headmaster Ozpin and succeeded in defeating him, resulting in the headmaster's death and reincarnating Ozma (Ozpin's original self) to Oscar Pine.
  • She dueled against Pyrrha and managed to successfully defeat her. This allows Cinder to perform an execution on her by firing an arrow to her chest, before disintegrating her foe with a tap to the forehead, right in front of a distraught Ruby.
  • Despite being defeated, her actions in Vale ultimately cost several drastic acts in the series.
    • She ultimately succeeded in destroying Beacon Academy and causing countless deaths and destruction as a result, including that of Ozpin and Pyrrha.
    • Team RWBY ultimately got separated, with Blake leaving in fear of Adam and his methods to torment her by hurting her loved ones, Yang getting depressed of Blake leaving and her trauma of Adam getting worse, Weiss being force to return to the Schnee Manor in Atlas by her abusive father, and Ruby joining Jaune, Nora, and Ren to investigate the attack on Beacon and the people responsible for it.
    • She sowed corruption and fear within Ironwood, as the latter began taking more drastic and questionable actions to defeat Salem and defend Atlas, which would lead to his future villainy.

The Anima Volumes (4-6)[]

  • During her training session, she orders Emerald to create a vision of defenseless Ruby and proceeds to burn the vision without mercy,
  • She goes to negotiate an alliance with Raven Branwen, promising her to kill her brother Qrow in exchange for Vernal (the supposed Spring Maiden) to open the chamber to the Reliec of Knowledge. This was also partially because she wanted to get a chance to kill Ruby as payback for what she did to her.
    • She even ignored Watts' warning of this, burning his hand when he tried to stop her from making a foolish choice.
  • She later lead the Invasion of Haven Academy in hopes of killing Team JNPR, Qrow, and Oscar and get access to the chamber to the Reliec of Knowledge and getting her revenge on Ruby.
    • When Jaune confronts her for her crimes in Beacon and they could gloat about it, she mockingly asks in a smug tone on who he is, enraging the boy due to her callous nature.
    • She decides to impale Weiss just to spite Jaune and the others, simply because she was enraged by the fact she nearly lost to Jaune.
    • After reaching the vault to the chamber to the Reliec of Knowledge, she quickly betrays Raven and Vernal, fatally impaling the latter in hopes of taking the Spring Maiden powers only to discover that Raven was the true Spring Maiden.
    • She proceeded to engage in a fierce duel with Raven in hopes of killing her and taking the Spring Maiden powers, but was ultimately defeated.
  • After recovering from her fight with Raven, she proceeded to murder an innocent woman to steal her clothes and money.
  • She engages in a duel with a vengeful Neopolitan, who blames her for the death of Roman in Vale. After getting Neo to stand down, she proceeds to negotiates with her that if the two can work together in tracking Ruby down and kill her and her friends to avenge Roman, leading to the mute agreeing to the alliance.
  • When Neo steals an airship to travel to Atlas, Cinder happily muses about killing Pyrrha and tells her partner she still believes in destiny.

The Atlas Volumes (7-8)[]

  • She plants a chess piece on Ironwood’s desk to trigger his PTSD so she can find the location of the Winter Maiden, which leads to Ironwood becoming an enemy to Ruby’s group and leading to the destruction of Atlas.
  • Attacks Winter and Penny in order to get to Fria so she can kill her and gain the Maiden powers. This however fails, as a dying Fria would give her maiden
  • When Neopolitan possesses the Relic of Knowledge, she silently but angrily snatches it from Neo's hands, not giving her any gratitude, irritating her partner.
  • When returning to Salem with the Relic of Knowledge, she introduced Neopolitan as a useful asset, silently angering Neo.
  • She tries to persuade Salem to allow her to hunt down and kill Penny to gain the Winter Maiden powers, only to be immediately rejected by her master.
  • She goes behind Salem's back and alongside Neo and Emerald, she attacks Penny and tries to take her Maiden powers.
    • During the battle, she cruelly taunts Penny, calling her a tool to be used.
  • During the Battle of Atlas, she breaks Watts out of his prison, while also freeing other prisoners along the way.
  • When learning that Watts infected Penny with a virus that is instructing her to open the vault and then self-destruct, Cinder angrily grabs him and threatens to kill him while also revealing she is going to wait for Penny at the vault and "claims what is hers".
  • After gaining the Relic back from Neo, she summons Jinn, asking her what Ruby and the others are planning, forcing the reluctant Jinn to show what Ruby and her team are planing while also discovering Emerald has joined the heroes, much to Cinder's anger.
  • She, alongside Watts and Neo, proceeds to attack the Atlas Command Center, killing and/or knocking several Atlas personal staff inside.
  • During the evacuation to Vacuo, she attacks Team Rwby, Jaune, and Penny while cruelly knocking over several innocent people into the void, potentially killing them as a result.
  • She mortally wounded Penny with her claws, and tried to take her powers before she was stopped by Weiss. However, knowing she will not survive, Penny has Jaune kill her to transfer the Maiden powers to Winter.
  • She knocked Team Rwby and Jaune into the void, transporting them to the Ever After. She also betrays Neo and drops her in the void as well, merely because of Neo betraying her.
  • As she escapes Atlas with the Staff of Creation, she brings more flames to the kingdom, betraying and killing Watts in the process.
  • Before leaving Atlas with Salem, she taunts a defeated Ironwood, stating it was checkmate.
  • Her actions lead to the destruction of Atlas and Team Ruby and Jaune being trapped in the Ever After, while further worsening Ruby's and Jaune's trauma.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • She has a genuinely tragic backstory in which she grew up in an orphanage run by a cruel owner, who forced her to clean everything around the building and gave her very little to eat. Her step-sisters frequently bullied Cinder, with her step-mother abusing her with a shock collar. Even with Rhodes training her in secret for years, the abuse she got from her step-family never ended until Cinder finally snapped and killed them all, and when Rhodes came to arrest her, she ended up murdering the only person who cared for her and afterwards shed a tear out of remorse. Although she went too far with her actions in the series, the fact that she has nightmares of her childhood means it still holds up as a prevention.
    • This also shows that underneath her smug and prideful facade, she is very insecure as her obsession with being feared and powerful stems from being weak and powerless when she was a child.
  • She had a close relationship with her late mentor Rhodes, who trained her in secret to become a Huntress. In fact, she had a visibly saddened expression and shed a tear after murdering Rhodes, with no indication that her remorse was disingenuous or that she got over it.

External Links[]


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Cinder Fall (Manga) | Roman Torchwick
