Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Vuka and Drago Celepci are two supporting antagonists in Wolf Creek Origin. They are Serbian brothers who operate as serial killers. They are two of the rival serial killers Mick Taylor has to deal with when reclaiming his knife.

Their Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Them Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • They are serial killing loan sharks who kill people unable to pay back their loans. They have murdered their customers for failing to pay back their fees after Vuka and Drago have repaired things for them in their repair shop, as well as failing to pay back their loans after losing to Vuka and Drago in Poker. The parking area of their repair shop is filled with half repaired vehicles belonging to the brothers' previous victims, and the floor of their pub is coated with blood from maiming their clients who lost to them in Poker. Mick finds out that they are two of the killers by investigating a series of disappearances that have happened near their repair shop.
  • Mick sees them maim three clients of theirs who owe money to the brothers. The patrons in the pub act as if the brothers do this all the time, as they are not even fazed by the sight.
  • Mick discovers the brothers masturbating to a snuff film they made of two of their clients being eaten alive by rats after failing to pay back their loan.
  • Along with Jerry The Fiddler (a pedophilic serial killer) and Roberts (a serial killing police officer), Vuka and Drago attack Mick's home intent on killing him after two of Mick's murders were discovered by the police, which brought police into the area and increased the chances of the other killers' murders being discovered.
  • It is revealed that Vuka and Drago were aware of Jerry's activities as a pedophilic serial killer, but were indifferent about it as long as he did not allow any of his murders to be discovered so that the police were not drawn into the area. This means that they were indifferent to the fact that children were being raped and murdered.

What Prevents Them from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Despite being confirmed to have murdered and maimed numerous people, making a snuff film out of people being eaten alive by rats, and being indifferent to Jerry's pedophile crimes, they ultimately fail the high heinous standard to Mick, Jerry, and Sergeant Atkin, who are all serial rapists, and in Mick and Jerry's case, serial child murderers.
  • They care for each other. When Mick takes Drago hostage, Vuka boasts that he can shoot Mick before he can kill Drago.