Near Pure Evil Wiki

To vote for the Near Pure Evil Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Jacob Dawes from Criminal Minds - Ends February 5
  2. Dandy from Bake Night Terror - Ends February 6
  3. Erzsebet Bathory from Castlevania Nocturne - Ends February 6

To vote for the Near Pure Evil Removals of the day, see:

None at the moment.

To vote for the Near Pure Evil Discussions of the day, see:

None at the moment.


Near Pure Evil Wiki
Nyaaa! Bad, this is! At the end of my rope, I am, nya... The end, it may well be! Nyaaa! Lock all the buttons, I simply must!
~ Bowyer locking all of the buttons as a last ditch resort in the remake.

Near Pure Evils who cheat to win against their enemies. Cheaters are the exact opposite of Honorable because they are not hesitant to use all sorts of mean tricks to win (e.g. Malty S. Melromarc, Mark Hoffman, and Merraid Oarburgh).

All items (328)
