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Near Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: Only his Z version was voted Near Pure Evil as his Super version was not voted. As such, only info and crimes about his Z version should be added here.

~ Broly expressing his hatred for Goku.
If you'd just let me kill you all before, you wouldn't be dealing with this pain now. You're all a complete and utter waste of Saiyan blood!
~ Broly to the Z Fighters.

Broly is a major antagonist in the Dragon Ball movies, serving as the titular main antagonist of the Broly trilogy.

He is the main antagonist of both the films Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan and its sequel; Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming and the posthumous overarching antagonist of Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly.

He is a legendary and immensely powerful Super Saiyan who means to kill Goku for traumatizing him with his crying when he was a baby.

He was voiced by Bin Shimada in the Japanese version and by both Cynthia Cranz as a baby and Vic Mignogna as an adult in the English version, the latter English VA also voices Mard Geer Tartaros in Fairy Tail. Later Dragon Ball media would have an adult Broly be voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch, who also voices Nine in My Hero Academia.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • His excuse is extremely slim compared to his horrendous acts. Even if he really felt traumatized by Goku's cries and was gruesomely stabbed by King Vegeta, it does not at all justify all the destruction he caused, and therefore, he is no longer sympathetic.
  • As a child, he already had destroyed entire planets.
  • He cut off the right eye of his father. This forced Paragus to mentally control Broly, making clear he was already extremely cruel in nature.
  • He destroyed almost the entire Southern Galaxy, killing billions of lives in the process, taking great pleasure in it.
  • He tried to kill Goku when he was sleeping. He did not succeed due to the intervention of Paragus.
  • He killed a lot of Shamolian and destroyed his natal planet, Shamo, laughing maniacally as he did so, implying he destroyed planets of his own free will, after doing this, Gohan called him a "demon" and Future Trunks mentions that if Broly is not stopped, he would "destroy the entire universe".
  • In the Japanese dub, when Piccolo called him a freak, Broly dismissed him and even called himself a devil.
  • He killed his own father, Paragus, after he attempted to leave the planet Todokama, crushing his ship and sending him crashing into Comet Camori, smiling after that. However, it is argued that Paragus deserved it for all the terrible things he did.
  • He nearly destroyed entire Southern Galaxy, killing billions of lives in the process and intending to do the same to the North Galaxy as well.
  • He brutally tortured Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and Future Trunks, especially Goku, who he beat mercilessly. If Goku hadn't received the energy from his companions, Broly would have killed him.
  • He tried to kill Goten and Trunks even though they were just kids because he mistook Goten for Goku.
  • He sadistically tortured Gohan, and had it not been for Videl's intervention, Broly would have killed him.
  • He mortally wounded Krillin and Videl for trying to save Gohan.
  • He nearly destroyed Earth. He was really close to doing it and he only failed due to the intervention of Trunks. He also came really close to killing both Gohan and Goten and would've succeed if it weren't for the temporarily revived Goku.
  • He was indirectly responsible for the creation of Bio-Broly and would've been proud to know that an evil monster like him had been born.
  • It is revealed that at the end of Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, he begins causing trouble in Hell.
  • Unlike the canon Broly from Dragon Ball Super, this version of Broly is completely irredeemable and uncomical, and shows no remorse for his actions. Not to mention DBS Broly's tragedy still holds up and isn't an actual villain while this Broly is completely far past it and is a genuinely evil villain.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He becomes mentally handicapped after turning into a Legendary Super Saiyan, which is when he commits most of his worst acts and has moral agency issues. Though due to still retaining his sadism and love of destruction, this prevention is minor. What makes this more of a minor prevention is that Broly was already sadistic and cruel even when he was a child.
  • Although he is a destructive beast without any scruples or standards, Broly (In the Japanese dub) praised Goku, Gohan and Trunks for their obstinacy, considering them worthy of being called Saiyans. He does this without pragmatic reasons, as he did not seek to manipulate them, satirize or boast about it, thus making him slightly honorable.

External Links[]


          Dragon-ball-logo-transparent Near Pure Evils

Anime and Manga
Dragon Ball
King Piccolo

Dragon Ball Z
King Moai | Dr. Gero | Garlic Jr. | King Cold | Future Androids 17 and 18 | Kid Buu | King Vegeta

Dragon Ball GT
Baby | Syn Shenron

Movies and Other Media
Lucifer | Dr. Wheelo | Turles | Lord Slug | Broly | Paragus | Bojack | Chilled

Towa | Mira | Android 21

