“ | Did they all really think I was going to help them? They lock someone away, lock my father away, and expect to not face any consequences? Their fate was sealed as soon as they locked me away. You truly think I'll forgive that? I have been mistreated by men who wish to marry me my whole life! My family has been mistreated for far too long. I am better, smarter, more intelligent than all of them combined and it's about time I embrace that. I’ll ensure we’re never underestimated again. | „ |
~ Belle expressing how superior she is to all the townsfolk intellectually. |
Belle is the main protagonist of Tale as Old as Time, a song in the Disney Princesses but They're Villains series. Unlike her original self, this Belle is an arrogant and cruel manipulator willing to kill to get her way.
She was voiced by Lydia the Bard.
Her Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Her tragedy is completely ingenuine. Considering her original self experienced the exact same series of events and yet remained good, it's pretty clear this version of Belle only became evil because of her higher ego than her original self.
- When her father is imprisoned by the Beast, she swaps places with him, already scheming on how to take out the Beast.
- She steals the rose and begins plucking it in front of the Beast, all while smiling as he suffers. This also caused the deaths of the humans who had been turned into objects in the castle, even though they had done nothing but be kind to Belle, and turned the Beast into a feral monster.
- With the Beast feral, Belle sends him to kill the mob trying to rescue her from the Beast led by Gaston, killing dozens all with a smirk on her face.
What Prevents Her From Being Pure Evil?[]
- She genuinely loves her father, Maurice, considering him the only person on the same level as her intellectually, and seeming upset when he got imprisoned by the Beast.
- It's likely her tragedy was meant to be seen as genuine, as most villains in the series are sympathetic by default.
External Links[]
- Belle on the Villains Fanon Wiki