Aristotle is a minor antagonist in the 2012 animated action series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, serving as the secondary antagonist in the episodes "I, Monster" and "Of Rats and Men", and a posthumous minor one in "Darkest Plight". He is the Rat King's main minion rat, and the one his master uses to see his immediate surroundings.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Helped save the Rat King, allowing him to commit his worst crimes.
- Helped with many of his crimes, alongside the Rat King's other rats.
- Directly allowed Rat King to observe the development of his human-rat hybrid serum, which would painfully turn all of mankind into human-rat hybrids if successful, and even suggesting a test subject.
- Allowed the Rat King to be able to fight Splinter.
- Displays no care for his fellow rats when they are thrown down at Splinter into a canyon.
- While he doesn't talk as humans would understand, he still has a clear personality, being inquisitive, having an interest in helping develop the serum, worrying several times, and being loyal to his master.
- While he is brainwashed, not only is his mind still autonomous, there are multiple times when Rat King lets go of his control and Aristotle continues to follow him. This, coupled with the fact he's never shown resisting him, proves Aristotle chooses his evil acts.
- Despite the high heinous standard, and rarely doing crimes independently, he stands out due to being the one who enabled Rat King's most evil action to be possible in the first place and also having the least amount of resources due to only being a simple rat with no powers.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- He is loyal to the Rat King, as he helps him develop the mutagen, returns after fleeing him after he's attacked, and helps him fight Splinter.
Near Pure Evils | ||
Television Series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Movies See Also |