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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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NOTE: This page is about the version of Alpha from the comics. For her TV counterpart, see here.

We are animals, Negan. Civilization is a myth. That is the truth this world has taught us. We have not risen above our baser instincts... that is what always has and always will drive us. That... ugliness you saw back there? Don't look away... stare into it... see what we are. That is the only way to free yourself.
~ Alpha

Alpha, real name Unknown, is the main antagonist of part three of The Walking Dead comics, serving as the main antagonist of Volume 22-26 and the posthumous antagonist of Volume 27-29.

She is the leader of the large cult like survivor group The Whisperers. She is cruel, cunning and sociopathic, who bares no emotional bonds towards anyone, including her own daughter.

After an incident that lead to two of her members deaths and her daughter being captured, Alpha and Rick’s community of Alexandria go out in an all out war, showing Alpha’s more dark side.

Her death finally comes when she welcomes former antagonist Negan into her group, but he, enraged at Alpha allowing rape, quickly backstabs her by slitting her throat and beheading her.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Due to believing themselves as animals, Alpha allow rape to happen in the group and doesn’t give any of the woman protection. She even got Beta to co-charge this status as well.
  • She mentally and emotionally abused her daughter, Lydia, such as letting her be raped.
  • Threatened to kill Carl if Rick did not follow her.
  • Threatened to steer a massive horde into Alexandria that she was controlling via her people.
  • She kidnapped and decapitated 12 of Rick’s friends, one of them being a pregnant woman and placed their heads on pikes to separate their border.
  • Murdered one of her members after he saw her crying and lied to another Whisperer, saying that he challenged her.
  • When Negan was attacked by walkers, she refused to help unless he 'proved himself' completely willing to let him die.
  • While she did forgive Beta for "challenging" her, it's implied she only did this because he's essentially her personal bodyguard who's undyingly loyal to her. This is even more plausible after her death, when Beta refuses to take up the Alpha title stating she is the one and only Alpha.
  • Unlike other antagonists like Negan or The Governor. Alpha has no excuse for her actions, killing whoever she pleased whenever they crossed into her territory. Including a young boy and a pregnant woman.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Despite her evil behavior and no emotional bonds, Alpha still shows some respect towards Negan - eventually seeing him as a good asset and opening up him.
  • She genuinely cared about her daughter Lydia, no matter how detestable her actions may have been, she truly believed that she was making her stronger.


  • Despite also being approved Near Pure Evil, her TV counterpart is arguably more heinous due to her love for Lydia being a lot more twisted, and eventually subverted when she attempted to kill her.

External Links[]


            Walking Dead Near Pure Evils

Comic Universe
The Walking Dead
The Governor | Chris | Alpha | Beta

Telltale Series
Danny St. John | Andrew St. John | Randall

Television Universe
The Walking Dead
Andrew | The Governor | Joe | Dan | Gareth | Owen | Alpha | Dante | Pope | Sebastian Milton | Pamela Milton | Lance Hornsby | The Warden

B.J. | Joe

Fear the Walking Dead
Marco Rodriguez | Theodore Maddox | Virginia

Tales of The Walking Dead
