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NOTE: This article is about The New Order: Last Days of Europe version of Adolf Hitler. You can find information on other version in the disambiguation page. |
“ | Eva? | „ |
~ Adolf Hitler's last words. |
Adolf Hitler is the overarching antagonist of The New Order: Last Days of Europe and the villainous protagonist if the player choses to play as Germany. He is the aging Führer of Germany, as well the undisputed hegemon of Europe, having to contend with his nations growing instability. Despite his senile nature, he is in fact behind the mod's events, being the man who caused the world's deterioration into its dystopian state by the 1960s.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Became a dictator of Germany, causing political repressions.
- Started World War II, causing tens of millions of casualties with no remorse. This also caused the breakup of Russia into many states, thus making him responsible for the Smuta, otherwise known as the Russian Anarchy.
- Gave Japan an atomic bomb to nuke Pearl Harbor in order to force the US into defeat, causing thousands to die, and showed no remorse for the action.
- Worse still, this caused the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the world to be constantly threatened with nuclear war, including the Aleutians Crisis at the start.
- Caused the Holocaust, which caused millions of Jews, Slavs, Romani and other groups the Nazis hated to die, out of his hatred to them.
- Implied to have helped Reinhard Heydrich raze Czech villages to the ground. He also successfully assimilated and forcibly annexed Czechia into Germany as Bohemia and Moravia.
- While he did stop the Hunger Plan, the plan to starve the Slavs of Eastern Europe, he did so out of monetary reasons instead of any care.
- Instituted a system of slavery across the German Reich and its colonies, with some of the slavery involving painful whipping.
- In addition, this caused an economic slump in Germany, ruining the lives of his own people.
- Gave Heinrich Himmler his own fiefdom in Burgundy, which allowed him to commit horrific crimes within the country (though Hitler was implied to be unaware).
- Indirectly caused Russia to be even more balkanized due to the West Russian War.
- Ordered northwestern Africa and Western Russia to be bombed in order to deny organized opposition and have target practice. He did this for years on end, to the point air raids are a daily part of life.
- Can choose to repress the protestors against him.
- Is responsible for various unique crimes in the mod, such as Hans Huttig stalking his citizens through TVs in Ostafrika, Oskar Dirlewanger's horrific reign of terror in the Southern Urals, and many more, which he is aware of and not remorseful for, even exploiting Russia's breakup to bomb them.
- Despite his claims of being an extremist, Hitler states that he views Germany as himself, showing that it has eroded into megalomania.
- Even though he does care for Albert Speer, Hitler has no problem insulting him behind his back and hating on his views.
- Though he is a senile old man who regularly has flashbacks and speaks irregularly, at one point ranting atop a balcony about various things and misremembering things, this does not mean he has moral agency issues. Its implied he was sane during World War II, the destruction of Russia, and the Holocaust, so it's debatable how much his senility explains his actions.
- Despite the high Heinous Standards of TNO, Hitler stands out not only due to bombing Russia for years and instituting mass slavery, but for being the cause of the entire story. He not only indirectly caused several unique crimes but also caused the problems of many nations in the mod with no remorse, giving him an enormous edge in personal villainy. This, in addition to the fact the nation with higher resources, the US, does a lot less compared to Hitler, allows him to stand out.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- He does have two people he cares about:
- He genuinely loved Eva, considering her the only person he ever loved. He was devastated when she died, and his lasts thoughts and words on his deathbed are about her.
- He has a villainous friendship with Albert Speer. When he names him his successor, Hitler greets him jovially instead of formally unlike the others, even tripping over due to it.
- He is played for sympathy occasionally, such as his deathbed scene and when he gets emotional at an art gallery.
- He has some moments where he isn't taken seriously, such as when he breaks up a speech due to his senility, or when his senile nature causes him to ramble about various topics from a balcony in his pajamas.
- He has two pet the dog moments that demonstrate that even someone like Hitler has honor:
- He can pay former veterans their share, despite Germany being in dire times, out of seeing it as their right.
- He can let liberals protest, even though they oppose him, because he didn't want the other nations to see that Germany is oppressing their own Aryan youth (this would change if he choose Heydrich as his successor)
- He is one of the five versions of Hitler to be Near Pure Evil, along with the DC Version, Inglourious Basterds Version, the Hitler: Rise of Evil version, and the Indiana Jones version. Of these five, he is perhaps the one depicted in the most sympathetic way and the closest to his real life counterpart.
- Hitler, along with Sergey Taboritsky, Trofim Lysenko, Abaddon, and Andrey Dikiy, is one of the five The New Order: Last Days of Europe characters to be Near Pure Evil.
- He is also the only one thus far that is not a Russian warlord.
External Links[]
- Adolf Hitler on the Villains Fanon Wiki
- Adolf Hitler on the The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
- Adolf Hitler on the The Ultimate Evil Wiki
Hearts of Iron IV Mods Near Pure Evils | ||
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Thousand-Week Reich |