Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

♫ Endless darkness, endless night. A world anathema to light. All that's made can surely break, only in dreams can we awaken. Sound and fury, heralds, horns cry for the one from nothing born. Now ichor leaks from broken hearts, now come, warrior of the stars! ♫
~ Zero to Kirby.
♫ From the darkness, comes the nightmare, born to swallow up the light! The miracle of shadow rising, all that matters now colliding! Angels cry on wings of blood, rain down the tears to bring the flood! And as corruption takes your heroes, everything will fall to Zero! ♫
~ Zero's intentions.

0, also known as is the titular main antagonist and sole singer of the lyrical cover of Zero Two by Man on the Internet. It is a enigmatic, nihilistic being that was responsible for the creation of the Dark Matter. It was also responsible for the invasion of Ripple Star, intending on consuming the entire universe in darkness.

It was voiced by Alex Beckham who also provided the voice of Elder Princess Shroob in The Final Battle WITH LYRICS by Juno Songs.

Its Evil Ranking[]

What Makes It Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • It created the Dark Matter in the past, making it responsible for all of their actions.
  • It has presumably terrorized multiple other colonies in the past.
  • It sent its Dark Matter to invade the peaceful planet of Ripple Star in search of the great Crystal, terrorizing its inhabitants and polluting the entire planet in darkness.
  • It corrupted multiple people using the Dark Matter for its evil bidding.
  • It doesn't only attempt to kill Kirby and his allies during their battle, but it makes it clear that it intends to corrupt their minds while they drown the entire universe in darkness, intending to eradicate everything due to what it believes is its "purpose".
  • While the original version of 0 doesn't count due to a lack of characterization, this version of 0 actually has a nihilistic yet insecure personality that believes its only purpose is to destroy.

What Prevents It from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • It appears to be somewhat amoral since the song presents it as a being who only knows destruction. However, this is a somewhat weak prevention considering this version of 0 actually has a full fledged personality.
  • It is insecure and it is presented in a somewhat sympathetic light, questioning its own existence repeatedly for only knowing how to destroy and not being able to stand others being happy.


  • This is currently the only version of 0 to be Near Pure Evil.
  • Alongside Star Dream and Customer Service, he is one of the three Kirby villains to be Near Pure Evil.
    • He is also the only fanon Kirby villain to be Near Pure Evil.

External Link[]


           Nintendo logo Near Pure Evils

Black Shadow

Star Dream

Customer Service | Doctor Moro

0² (Man on the Internet)


Star Fox
Pigma Dengar | Anglar Emperor

Dragalia Lost
Morsayati | Thanatos

See Also
EarthBound Near Pure Evils | Fire Emblem Near Pure Evils | Mario Near Pure Evils | Pokemon Near Pure Evils | Super Smash Bros. Near Pure Evils | Splatoon Near Pure Evils | The Legend of Zelda Near Pure Evils | Xenoblade Near Pure Evils
